(CIS-intern) – Folgende Meldung bekamen wir soeben aus Bordesholm: Die Hiobsbotsbotschaft erreichte uns gestern Mittag: Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen (Lungenentzündung mit hohem Fieber) muss die Europatour mit David Grissom abgebrochen werden. Der Musiker, der sich zur Zeit in Italien aufhält, muss unverzüglich zur Behandlung in die USA zurück fliegen. Wir wünschen ihm alles Gute und eine rasche Genesung.
Hier das offizielle Statement von David:
It is with great regret that I must cancel the remaining shows of my European tour. 12 days before I was scheduled to leave for Europe, I was diagnosed with eosinophilic pneumonia, a rare type of pneumonia. I was sent to a lung specialist who put me on intensive antibiotics and steroids. Two days before I was to leave, my lungs were clear, but he explained that the true recovery time was 4-6 weeks. He told me if I went on this tour I was taking a risk that I could relapse and have to start the medications again. I chose to take the risk and come as planned. I didn’t want to cancel any shows. Unfortunately all the symptoms returned shortly after I arrived in Europe and were getting worse. When I got to the hotel after the gig last night, my fever had spiked and I was coughing up some pretty scary stuff. I can’t begin to tell you how disappointed I am, and how terrible I feel about canceling these shows, but my Doctor says I HAVE to come home now. So many people worked so hard to make this tour happen, and I apologize to everyone, but I hope you will understand that I must now do as my doctor tells me. I gave it my best shot…….I hope I can get back soon.
Thank you, David
Ein neuer Termin ist bereits in Planung. Sobald einer feststeht, bekommt ihr eine Info.
Beste Grüße aus Bordesholm
Kolja Schwarten
Albatros – Steaks’n’Music Bordesholm